Using Facebook Live in Your Marketing Strategy

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How often do you use Facebook Live in your social media marketing strategy? If you answered, “not a lot”, then you could be missing a trick!

Facebook live is a great way to get a large exposure and directly connect with your audience. Here are some creative ways you can use Facebook Live:

Take your audiences places they can’t go

News outlets report on events that most people don’t get to attend in real life so we can get a snippet of it. Facebook Live takes this to another level by allowing you to virtually be there in real time!

But how can you leverage this for your business? You can go live at your own industry event or a conference your customers/audience would be interested in. Make sure you promote your broadcast early and often to ensure people know that you will be going live and when.

It doesn’t just have to be a small snippet either: Facebook recommends longer broadcasts because they give users more chances to discover your content. You can broadcast for as long as four hours.

It’s a good idea to encourage questions in the comments and answer those questions in a Q&A session.

Team up with an influencer in your field

Co-marketing is one of a marketer’s strongest tools. By working together with another company or influencer, you can increase your exposure to potential customers.

But how do you go about doing this with Facebook Live? By identifying a key thought leader in the same or similar area as your business and featuring him or her in a Facebook Live broadcast. You want to make sure this person is good in front camera and will be entertaining for your audience. Identify a topic you want this person to speak about or demonstrate.

Ideally, the outcome of this will be mutually beneficial for both parties.

Host interviews

Interview your company’s employees, clients, or important people in your niche. Brands are all about the people that are a part of it, so let these people speak and your audience will listen! It’s a great opportunity for people to really get a feel of what your business is actually like and what its vision is on a more personal level.


Even though Facebook Live is now two years old (launched in 2015), people (and marketers) are still unsure how best to use it to their advantage. Hopefully, these tips will be able to help you leverage this important feature in your marketing. For more helpful tips on Social Media Marketing, follow us on Twitter @StrategySM

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